Welcome, FoodFam, to my 2020 resolution!


It's a New Year, FoodFam!

saber the champs

The two days that straddle our perceptions of endings and beginnings are here: New Year's Eve is when we reflect on all we have accomplished and New Year's Day is for setting resolutions, goals and benchmarks for the year ahead.

I like to think of goal setting outside of the particular parameter of a year and adjust according to the bars I've set, because sometimes, they need raising! Goals transform, and the finish lines we imagine breaking through may actually be just one checkpoint on an even bigger journey.


The first time I trained for a half marathon, the longest I had ever run before was 21 minutes. The first day I walked into the kitchen, I needed to be taught how to properly wash lettuce and cut fruit. I’ve now run hundreds of miles in dozens of races, including the New York City Marathon with another on the horizon. I’ve cooked with world renowned chefs and have taken that heat into my own kitchen and practice. I’m beyond grateful that I took those first steps into becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable.

new year, new website

My New Year's resolution for the last three years has been to bring my Instagram @TheSaltyPiece into an official website. And in April of 2020 when I was living in a remote part of country and the only food source available was the local farmer’s market, I began making everything from scratch (sourdough, this year's infamous whipped coffee, pasta, yogurt...). I declared that if nothing else, THIS would be the year when I would make this goal a reality. And here we are: on the last day of 2020, I am beyond thrilled to share this new connection to my culinary journey with all of you!

Wishing everyone in the FoodFam a happy and healthy year ahead in 2021- this journey is just beginning!




Champagne Jelly Bites


The MULEtide Carol