
Founded in 2019

I couldn’t yet reach the counter to stir the flour and water together.

Little Meredythe

My Mum pulled a chair over from the dining room so that my three year-old self could be relatively better equipped to ‘help’ her make cookies. She tied my apron strings behind my back and asked me to choose which tool would be best for this job. On countertop rested a set of children’s cooking tools: tiny versions of a whisk, a spoon, a spatula.

I held onto worn and dented mixing bowl while she helped me crack each egg against another with a satisfying * rapp * so that we didn’t get any shells into our mix. We measured the sugar to form a crystal mountain above the white-yellow rivers of egg. Selecting the spoon, I began to stir.

This is my first memory of cooking. It’s the first time I remember being taught anything, and, like any good student, I had to try every other option before I came back and acknowledged that, yes, this is the way it should be.

Little Meredythe
Little Meredythe

I’ve done a lot of things in my life: art school, hostel-hopping across Europe, processing medical records, teaching English to blind children in Thailand, selling camping gear, pouring coffee, working at a farmers’ market, running a kitchen, juggling corporate management within an international restaurant group, managing social media for a political campaign, going back to school to crunch numbers, finding my way within a financial technology start-up, running the New York City Marathon…These all taught me something, and it was that I am my most generous, productive, and happiest self when I am in the kitchen, on the road or around the table with friends, family, new friends who become family and learning lessons that become beloved traditions.

The Salty Piece began as an Instagram account. A lot of great fun still happens at @thesaltypiece, and now I am sharing more food stories, recipes, wins, near-wins, oh-so-epic fails and sheer kitchen bliss with my FoodFam.

Follow my adventures and be a part of everything sweet + salty!

